Store 2.1 Released

8th December, 2013

We’re happy to announce a new version of ExpressionEngine’s most loved e-commerce framework! Store 2.1 brings many improvements, including the highly-anticipated official support for displaying individual line item details to your customers when making payment via PayPal Express. In addition, we’ve added the following goodies for you:

  • Added support for html5 attributes in forms via html:name="value" parameters
  • Added support for Google Universal Analytics ecommerce tracking
  • Added search:on_sale="yes" parameter back to search tag
  • Added {item_tax}, {order_shipping_tax}, and {order_handling_tax} variables back to checkout/order tags
  • Added {item_discount} and {order_shipping_discount} variables to checkout/order tags
  • Added {order_shipping_total} and {order_handling_total} variables to checkout/order tags
  • Added {expiry_month_options} and {expiry_year_options} variables to avoid EE rewriting exp_ variable prefix in checkout/payment tags
  • Added {gateway_name:issuer_options} variables for gateways which provide a list of issuers
  • Added separate handling adjustment type to display total handling for all items in order

We’ve also fixed lots of bugs and made some improvements for third party developers. Over 200 commits have been made to Store since the initial 2.0 release, so if you haven’t upgraded lately, now is a good time to do so. See the release notes for full details.

Since version 2.0 was released in September, hundreds of developers have made the switch to Store. It’s been a fantastic year for us, and we want to thank all of you for your support - without it, Store wouldn’t be where it is today. We’re already planning features for Store 2.2 and beyond, and we look forward to bringing you all sorts of awesomeness in the new year.

As always, feel free to contact us on [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.