
Sales are one of two types of Promotions which can be created using Store (the other being Discounts). Sales are applied to products across your site based on the product category, or currently logged in member, and they affect the display of prices before products are added to the cart.


Sale Options


A name for this sale.

Start Date

If set, this sale will only be available from the specified date/time.

End Date

If set, this sale will only be available until the specified date/time.

Restrict to Member Groups

If selected, this sale will only be available to logged in members of these member groups.

Match Entries

If selected, this sale will only apply to the specified products.

Match Categories

If selected, this sale will only apply to products in the specified categories.

Per Item Discount

An absolute discount amount which will apply to each matched product.

Percent Discount

A percent discount amount which will apply to each matched product.


Allows you to specify notes about the sale. These are only for internal use and are not displayed to the customer.


Allows you to quickly enable/disable this sale.